Friday, October 3, 2008

Two 1990's Visions of the Crash-Revival List

- by Bryan Hupperts. (Nov 3, 1997)

I wanted to write and share a vision I had several years ago...

The Lord showed me a body laying on a bed in a hospital setting.
The patient was named The Economy. His chart was at the foot of his bed and the lines on the graphs seemed to be marked by sharp up and down turns.

He was breathing "falsely". He was surrounded by many specialists who were doing many things to keep him alive. He was totally on artificial life support. Just then, the Chief Physician came in, looked at the patient, and declared, "This patient is dead. Let that which is dead die." With his own finger, he threw the switch to cut off the life support.

The Economy heaved, gasped, and died horribly.


I believe that we are headed for a global meltdown of the world economy. This will bring chaos and ruin but will strip people of their false god of money and many souls will be brought to Christ.

If we are walking in obedience to the Lord, we have nothing to fear. Ask the Lord for wisdom to get your economic house in order.
Seek first the kingdom of God, And his righteousness, and all these things (materials needs) will be added unto you.
[~ ]

- by Harold Eatmon. (1997).

"...In my last article I mentioned a vision of the Stock Market's 'Big Board' having serious upcoming problems. I saw the Stock Market soar and then crash. After the crash, many big business corporations and private parties bought up stocks because of the low cost to buy in. Then I saw the market begin to climb again in a short period of time. Then it crashed again bringing tremendous loss, ruin, and devastation to all who bought in the first time.

This is what I have labeled "Two Black Mondays." The time period between the Two Black Mondays was very close together. I could not tell exactly how close. It could be a couple of days to a couple of months. There are some tell-tale signs indicating the season and the setting. *I saw the season to be when 'the leaves fall to the ground' then the first crash would occur.* I also saw the Yen and Mark fall dramatically just before this sudden and inexplicable crash. Like Joseph in Genesis, I believe America will have fat years of financial blessing. I also believe there are coming lean years of financial difficulty for America.

I do not believe God is showing this so people can beat the game financially. I rather believe He is saying keep your eyes on eternal things. Store up treasures in Heaven."

~The Trumpeter Journal, mid-1997.
Harold Eatmon Ministries, Int'l
PO Box 48402
Minneapolis, MN 55448, USA.

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