Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Scarlet Line

Joshua II

A lost pagan woman who lived in the City State of Jericho was a member of a degenerate, unchaste society. She belonged to a prevailing Canaanite religion, a Godless cult that worshiped the “goddess of sexual lust,” Ashtoreth. During this same time period Greece of the Athenians had their “goddess of love” Venus and Aphrodite; different mask, same face!

Rahab of Jericho was a “Harlot,” a Priestess who served in the Canaanite Temples who along with other “temple courtesans” worshiped every kind of elevated vileness. They worshiped demon spirits as they danced before their human host. Rahab lived in sin, for sin, and by sin. Her occupation was endorsed by society.

The lifestyle in which she embraced took “pride” in immorality. They were revered and applauded for their occupation.

These “sacred courtesans” were paid well for their entertainment as they are today in our own society. These places of worship entertainment centers such as night clubs and bars are of the “same face” back then as they are today.

Videos, TV shows and movie theaters are full of these “sacred courtesans” who worship demons with their bodies in the same temples as their counterpart did 3,000 years ago. Not much has changed from then to now; same spirit, same fallen nature. An unchaste society with foul and unspeakable act’s against nature. Against Almighty God!

Abominable and Abnormal acts that demand judgment swift and clear!

Rahab’s society days were numbered and divine judgment was on its way. Judgment was soon to fall on her and her lifestyle and her entire nation. God in His infinite wisdom had appointed “the day” in which He would judge her world.

But, God intervened in her judgment by sending two spies into Jericho.

1. Conscience.

2. Conviction.

VS 9-13

1. Conscience (with knowledge)…”I Know that the Lord has given you the land.” “…for the Lord your God, He is God in Heaven above and in earth beneath.”

2. Conviction: With certainty, being convinced of truth and acting on that Sate of Consciousness.

VS 12: “…that you will save alive my Father and all that we have. Deliver our lives from death.”

The two spies, Conscience and Conviction are representative of “Christ” and “Holy Spirit.”

Rahab realized and had knowledge of the living God of the Hebrew people and ultimately all sinful people would have to answer as well. She realized that she could not save herself from the judgment to come. Though the walls of Jericho were 30 ft high, outer wall 6 ft thick and the inner wall was 12 ft thick, Rahab’s faith was in Jehova God!

The very walls that the people of Jericho believed in were the “first thing to fall.”

When judgment falls, nothing man makes can resist the wrath of God. Manmade walls of ones own religion, faith, respectability and self righteousness will fail quite miserably. Despite all mans efforts to feel safe and secure, “false security” will be their “Achilles Heel.”

When Rahab let down the “Scarlet Line” she was rehearsing the Passover when the blood was placed on the door post “I will pass over you.” And so it was when the “death angel” came again, he passed over Rahab’s house and all that were within were saved.

The Harlot of Jericho is forever in the “Hall of Faith” Heb 11. Both her and her son, Boaz the “Kinsmen Redeemer” is forever in the “Scarlet Line.”

Rahab’s faith blotted out her past in so much that she became ancestress of Jesus the Christ of God. The messianic line ran directly from Rahab to her son Boaz to David on to Christ. She is forever”inducted” into the “Hall of Faith.” Heb 11:31, James 2:25

Here again we see God taking a “noboby” and making them into a “somebody!”

-Johnny Koch


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