Friday, August 5, 2011

Destiny Awaits - an anonymous author

We need to allow HIS GRACE to increase in our lives more and more each day... His grace is the royal blood that is rushing through our veins that enables us to be true kings and priests of His Kingdom!!

Unedited from the Heart of the Father all spoken between April 28 and May 5 2011.

God often speaks but never to this length or depth. Every spare moment during these days He would pour out His heart in words as I typed just trying to keep up. I would never have imagined it would have amounted to this many pages or words it is quite beyond me and written far greater than I could have possibly written in my wildest dreams (unfortunately my writing skills only limited this but the Lord by His mercy has made it clear despite my inability.)
I would not even feel to share this with anyone, because just like when a friend shares secrets deep in their hearts, when the Lord speaks we must treasure it and only share it as He tells us to. Only as His words were drawing to a close the Lord made it very clear this is a message that He desperately wants to speak to all His children. I have been praying and asking the Lord for His will to be done and He would do exactly what He wants with what HE has written it is His book and I want to take no credit for it whatsoever. I just want to get out of the way and decrease, so He can increase and be glorified.
I pray that He would be glorified and speak clearly to you about your destiny as His child. His Will be done in your life.
A month ago God miraculously spoke an entire book to me in eight days. As the Father spoke I sensed His urgency and longing for His children to awaken to who they are as children of God and wake up to the Eternal plan that God wants to accomplish through His children to fulfill His eternal plan and kingdom in this world and universe.

Unless you know who you are, where you came from and where you are going you will waste your life wandering aimlessly. Unless you know the destiny you have been created for you will be totally incapable of fulfilling it. This is the great tragedy of the Christian church, we do not know who we are, who our Father is and His Eternal Plan for His church and thus are unable to live the monumental destiny He has created us for.

As God spoke it really began to open my eyes up to our true identity as a child of the King of the Universe. What an unfathomable privelege and awe to call the King of the Universe my Holy Father. I pray through His words our Heavenly Father would continue to open our eyes more each day to simply be in awe of our most Awesome Holy Father.


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